Month: February 2017


It is too easy to say “I am going to pay down my debt” and then let it slide. Instead of setting just any goal you need to set a SMART goal. When I talk about a SMART goal, I don’t just mean set intelligent goals. SMART is an acronym. It stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable,…

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Clean Up Your Inbox

How many emails do you receive every day? On average I receive over 100 promotional emails. That is a lot of advertisements in my inbox and it might be time to clean it up. I have already found myself not reading them when they come in and often times finding out several days later I…

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The Relapse

Valentine’s Day You are paying off your debt faster than ever, your budget is cranking on all cylinders and overall you are kicking financial @$$. Then you remember that Valentine’s Day is coming up and you need a nice gift and night out. You could make a gift, but this is your wife and they…

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Bill Gates Does It, Do You?

Bill Gates sat down with Warren Buffet and Charlie Rose at Columbia University recently. Now personally, I am a huge fan of all three of these people, but this post isn’t to fan-boy (sorry, maybe next time). There was a wealth of great information in the conversation, but one thing in particualar stood out to…

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