Why are you here? Did you Google how to get out of debt? Did you just graduate from high school or college and are trying to find out how to plan your future life? No matter what brought you to my site we need to dig and find out what your end goal is, your “why”.
Your “why” is the ultimate reason you are on your financial freedom journey. If you do not have a “why” then we need to find one for you. Without a “why” this journey is going to be incredibly challenging. Living financial freedom is fruitful and enjoyable. However, the journey to get there is full of prickly bushes, speedbumps, and everything in-between.
When your friends ask you go out for dinner, you need a “why” to stay in. When you want to get out of the house with your wife and go on a date you need a “why” to go to a state park rather than the movies.
Your “why” is going to be very personal and might even be different for you and your significant other, and that is OK. As long as you both agree to work towards financial freedom together.
For my wife, Nichole, and I our “why” is to be able to travel and see the world. We cannot wait to be able to go see the catacombs in Paris, eat amazing pizza from a street vendor in Italy, and go diving in the Great Barrier Reef. However, none of this is possible for us until we pay off our nagging student loan debt.
Now What…
Once you have your “why” for achieving financial freedom. I want to you to sit back, close your eyes, and imagine it were a reality. Then I want you to write it down somewhere in your home where you and your husband/wife can see it daily. I want you both to sit down and decide on a financial freedom date. This could be six months, a year, or 6 years, depending on your debt scenario and it doesn’t even need to be “well thought out.” I just want you to commit to a date that you feel is achievable.
Research shows that if you dream about it, write it down, and set a deadline, that our brains kick into overdrive and begin to work towards it without us even knowing. Picture a time when you “committed” to doing something later, did it ever happen, was it in a timely manner? Now picture a time when you said I will complete it this weekend, I bet it happened.
We need to use these same principals towards financial freedom. Believe me it isn’t easy, but the payoff at the end of the long dark tunnel will be amazing. Don’t stop just keep going!
Your Financial Freedom Partner,
Joel Parker